Shredded and baled plastic film. Reclaimed from baby and adults diapers production rejects.
HS Classification code of plastique: 3915-10-0 ...
Read moreDescription:
Shredded and baled plastic film. Reclaimed from baby and adults diapers production rejects.
HS Classification code of plastique: 3915-10-0000
Composition (approximate):
60 % of LDPP (low-density polypropylene) film
15 % of LDPE (low-density polyethylene) film
10 % of PET (polyester) film
10 % of cellulose fibers with residual traces of super-absorbent polymers
5 % of Lycra elastics
Traces of heat applied adhesive
Other technical info:
Plastic Melt Index
5 to 10 - to be confirmed
Shipping info:
Weight and Dimension of Bales
Average 325 kg (700 lb) - Can vary from 250 – 400 kg
75 cm x 75 cm x 150 cm long (30 in x 30 in x 60 in long)
15 metric ton per 40 ft HC containers
20 metric ton per 53 ft dry box trailer
Our plant is located 100 km from the Port of Montreal which services many international destinations.